Children’s Book


A selection of Children’s with a unique ‘self love’ concept. The Author is British primary school teacher who is currently based in Australia.

The Illustrations have been created with a ‘rough’ imperfect feel. Taking children’s books illustrations back to a more traditional look and feel. Remember the books by Roald Dahl, The Twits? Illustrated by Quentin Blake? Well, that black ink ‘scratched’ style under a running watercolour was my inspiration for the illustrations.


When starting a children’s book, it is important to me to introduce myself to the author’s character(s) and completely understanding the character, it’s personality and what they love and hate. The I draw them away from the connect of the book before placing them into the situations the author has invented. By the time I’ve finished the book each character feels like somebody I know.



The books are due to be published within the next year, Hopefully then I can share more with you.


Please see more art below


 ©Lauren Rogers-Martin 2021


₇ Minkin
